Saturday 3 March 2012

..sweet 19..

..ok naQ cite sikit first time bfday di matriQ..
..boley than bez la.. yg sdeynye bile berjauhan ngn family..
..ok first skly..
..thnQ to all my friend yg wish my bfday..
..dan yg pling ak excited skly bile someone yg ak x sngke wish bfday ak.. to him..

..excited sgt time uh..

..ok thnQ sgt2 kpada rahman coz bg coklat ini..
..actually rahman ak xsngke ko akan bg ak cklat yela ko kan jimat..
..thnQ ye rahman..

..then tinesh..
..thnQ tuQ cklat Cadbury nie jgaQ..

..amalina thnQ krongsang yg cntiQ..

..yana Tinggi thnQ untuQ hadiah ini..

then thnQ kpd 3 jejaka yg memberi sye novel..
okdri kiri daus,taufiQ n adam..
..thnQ tuQ novel ini..

..ok yg len sory ye adiah tertggl at matriQ.. xdpt post..

..lastly to all my classmate ..ok thnQ sgt2 la yerk at classmate ak yg snggup memandikan ak dgn tepung..
..mmg sweet sgt la kan time petang uh..
..ok thnQ sgt2 at korg..

..ok inilah ad rupe2 yg  bling ak tepung..

oklah stop lu..
..thnQ sgt2 at korg yg wish n bg present.. really appreciate it..
thnQ again..
..luv u all..

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