Sunday 24 March 2013

Universiti Utara Malaysia~part one

ok now dah sem dua.baru berkesempatan update blog.weee.excited.
firstly,alhamdullilah kerana berkesempatan further study.walaupun jauh di utara.mybe ada hikmahnya.ok 3/9/12 bermulalah kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar Bachelor of International Business Management (Hons) di Universiti Utara Malaysia@Universiti Utan Malaysia.


#exkmns#orentasi#pusat ko-k










#kelab#kelana#lost world of tambun#raiy








end of semestar a lot of memories to me.
 I'm a success today because I had a family who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let them down.
Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.
dean list,insyaAllah


Tuesday 15 May 2012

..hepy belated bufday..

 Just wanna to say happy belated birthday to muhailiana dasira....


..muhailiana dasira..
..nyet hepy belated bfday..
semoga pnjng umo n dimurahkan rezeki..
..smoga pershbtan kita kekal slamnya..
..oitzz naQ adiah datg mah ak..
..hiihiho.. yourself..
..tke cre..
..syg ko la temah..


Every time you cross my mind, I think how lucky I've been, to have you as my special friend..

..memories in the matriculation n9 11/12..

sweet memory 11/12


..kluster c..

..kuliah a2..

..BBQ with our lovely teacher..

....cikgu terbaik kami..




anyone ad yg brani naQ fight sQuash ngn kiteowg??..

..freindship kami slamanya..



..eykin sengal..

..roomate terbaiQ didunia..

..with our mentor

..withhh papa hashimm..

..bukit kmns yg sntiasa dirindui..

..with rahman..

"Friendship is like a precious flower
Ready to bloom every hour.
It may stop growing 
or keep on flowing
But you'll still have it forever." 


Saturday 3 March 2012

..sweet 19..

..ok naQ cite sikit first time bfday di matriQ..
..boley than bez la.. yg sdeynye bile berjauhan ngn family..
..ok first skly..
..thnQ to all my friend yg wish my bfday..
..dan yg pling ak excited skly bile someone yg ak x sngke wish bfday ak.. to him..

..excited sgt time uh..

..ok thnQ sgt2 kpada rahman coz bg coklat ini..
..actually rahman ak xsngke ko akan bg ak cklat yela ko kan jimat..
..thnQ ye rahman..

..then tinesh..
..thnQ tuQ cklat Cadbury nie jgaQ..

..amalina thnQ krongsang yg cntiQ..

..yana Tinggi thnQ untuQ hadiah ini..

then thnQ kpd 3 jejaka yg memberi sye novel..
okdri kiri daus,taufiQ n adam..
..thnQ tuQ novel ini..

..ok yg len sory ye adiah tertggl at matriQ.. xdpt post..

..lastly to all my classmate ..ok thnQ sgt2 la yerk at classmate ak yg snggup memandikan ak dgn tepung..
..mmg sweet sgt la kan time petang uh..
..ok thnQ sgt2 at korg..

..ok inilah ad rupe2 yg  bling ak tepung..

oklah stop lu..
..thnQ sgt2 at korg yg wish n bg present.. really appreciate it..
thnQ again..
..luv u all..

Saturday 28 January 2012

..zaman sekolah yg sentiasa dirindui..

..arghhhh rase mcm naQ mnjerit sekuat hati je nie agar satu dunia thu yg btape ak rindu sgt naQ pkai bju skolah ataupun dgn lbh tept ak nk g skolah..huh..dengan zaman sekolah rndahnye duduQ atas krusi n meja kayu..then skolah mnggh dengn prepnye n rmpit nek motO g skolah..ngeee..

..ak rindukan keadaan ini..

Ok bermula dengn skolah rndh bnyk mnigalkn 1001 knngn..walaupun skolh sblh umah je..zaman yg pnuh kebangangan dan kbodohan..hohoho..dgn bwk beg roda lg time uh mmg bez la(gayat)..trase mcm naQ g oversea..sjujurnye la time skolah rndh uh ak beQ sikit jela..time uh ak jd pnolong ktua pngwas(xthu la mcmne boleh terplih)..n pling sweetnye lg bile terpilh tuQ msuQ pertndngn tilwah pringkt kbngsaan n pg sabah  pringkt kbngsaan mwkili n9 dlm kem pakaian seragam(adushh over plaQ)..ngeee..n kwan2 yg gler2 time skolah rndh..mmg bez..n satu2nye ckgu yg pling ak rndu ad la guru bsar ak..tuan haji mohd shah..dye yg byk bri ak smngt tuQ dye telh mngglkan dunia yg fana nie kalo xslp 2thun untuknye..moga rohnye dcucuri rhmat..amin..jasamu akan  kuknang shngga akhir hyatku..tutp cite sdey kite lyn gmba mse ak mude2 dulu..hihihi..

sory pic xclear sbb ak tngkp blik..

..nie la kwan2 mse skolah rndah..comey2 je dyeowgkan..

..mke mse hingusan lg..hohoho 

 ..smngt ptriotik yg bgus..hohoho

.. lps upsr kiteowg syok men carrom..

.shoot n umii..
(sory teconteng) ad jgaQ pic ak..nie mse tilwah uh..ngeeee

ha inilah kmi bile da besar..time rye nie,huhuuuhu

Then tutup cite skolah rndh..truskan kesekolah mnggh..huh..nie mmg yg pling bez..haahah..mse form1 n f3 ak skolah mnggh knbgsaan dato sheikh ahmad..mmg skolh pling terbaik la..nk pgang bku time nie mmg xla..hahha..time nie xpikir blaja pun pikir enjoy je duQ hostel..esok nk pmr bru mngelabah nk sentuh bku..bezzz ooooo…then bile msuk kwad pringkt daerah slme 3thun time nie bez gak sbb xpyh blaja time uh dan msuk asat main mencatur so time nie boley la cuci mata..yg pling syoknye bile kne pnggil nme at perhimpunn depan satu sekolah bersma tasha,atyn n ekyn..naQ kne sebat da time xjd sbb kiteowg xslah..bhahahah..dgil sgt ak time uh..n geng2 ak kne pnggil oleh warden sbb dyeowg ate kiteowg wat hal..mmg terbaik la..huahau..tbe2 ak rindu dyeowg sgt n daQ dsa..

     ha ni mse form 1..xde tnduk lg time nie..

form 2 kot..

       nie time form 1..ha tgQ tudung lbuh lg..

 ..ngeee..lbuh tudung semuanye..korg jgn komen lbey k

        nie la geng2 ak

    ..hhohoho..tnduk da neQ..da xde da tudung lbuh
  dari kiri atyn,ekyn,shoot,ak,nyet,tasha
     kmi 4org la yg kne pnggil at perhimpunan..


 ..nie la geng2 ak yg kne pnggil dengn warden uh

ha nie time rye mah ak..time nie ak da kuar da dsa..

Slepas 3thun di dsa ak kuar asrma ibu ak suh skolah at skolah yg dekt ngn umah nie..sek men khir johari beranang slngor..ak amiQ akaun sbb ak mint mngire..xmint mnghafal oiiii...time nie smmngt nk blaja bru ad..g skolh time uh neQ moto..mule2 pelik gaQ ar sbb sblum  nie at dsa jln kaki je..bile at sinie kiteowg byk kuar bersme2 satu klass sbb abg zawier sgt bgus..mmbuat bermcm cre tuQ mrpatkan kiteowg..thnQ zawier..

..nie last day form 5.. 


 ..reunion kami

 ..nie la zawier yg ak ckpkn

..prinsip akaun..

ok stop lu..nie la knngn skolah yg xmngkin dilupakan..sesngguhnye zaman skolah la yg pling enjoy n bez all my freind ak syg korg sgt2 miss korg gler..smoga kite sume kekal sbgai kwan slamnye..amin..
